The New Google Keyword Tool

Happy happy, joy joy! Google has updated their Keyword Tool. You can now get the exact number of searches on particular keywords.

That may sound pretty benign to you, unless you’re an internet marketer of some sort. In which case, it’s HUGE news. Enormous. In the past, you had to guesstimate the amount of traffic you could receive from each keyword. But without exact numbers, all you’d have were relative measures of effectiveness.

So why is knowing the number of searches on a keyword important?

You’ll know which keywords are important to your customers
Say you sell portable GPS units. If you use Google’s Keyword Tool, you’ll find that the phrases “navigation system” and “portable navigation” are typed into Google much more often than “portable GPS unit”. With this information, you can write product descriptions with those keyword phrases and bring in more traffic to your site.
You’ll be able to estimate customer demand
If you are thinking about a new section to your site, the number of keyword searches can give you an idea of customer demand. This can even apply to non-web businesses. In John Battelle’s book The Search, he calls search engines a “database of our intentions.” Want to find out if there’s existing customer demand for a new product line or service offering? Google’s Keyword Tool can give you an answer to that.
You’ll be able to estimate potential revenue for a new web niche
Affiliate marketers are always on the look out for new and untapped web niches. However, not all niches are created equal. Some generate more traffic than others. With Google’s updated Keyword Tool, exact searches can be determined. This can be plugged into a financial model used to estimate monthly revenue per keyword. With this data, you can know accurately which new niches to tap into.

Up till now, internet marketers have been using the handy keyword service Wordtracker. One of it’s more useful features was offering an estimated number of searches on particular keywords. Google’s update now trumps that, since Google is able to provide the exact number of searches.

This doesn’t mean Wordtracker is out of the game, however. They still offer other useful features, such as estimating the level of competition per keyword and a Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI), which helps find untapped keyword niches within a general topic.

The internet marketing world is buzzing with this news right now. Ed Dale, internet entrepreneur and marketer extraordinaire, even provides some information on how to determine the exact number of searches from Google’s Keyword Tool.

And as Dale says, this is enormous! ENORMOUS!

Kent Brewster’s Clarion Method for Code Reviews

Have a code review coming up? Need to give your peers a thorough review of their code, but are dreading the drudgery of the process? Don’t find the peer review process particularly effective?

There are volumes and volumes written about code review processes, including debates with paired programming and other Agile practices.

Here’s a simple yet powerful alternative. It comes from a former colleague and uber developer: Kent Brewster. As a published author, he’s used the Clarion Method as a process for “critiquing short stories submitted over the course of an intensive six-week ‘boot camp’ for new writers.”

During a team meeting one day, as we hunkered down for a traditional code review, he suggested this alternative. In a nutshell:


  • Moderator
  • Code Reviewee
  • Code Reviewers (two or more)


  1. Code Reviewee brings printed copies of the code to be reviewed (preferably with a maximum of 10 pages or so). Each participant gets a copy. Each line of code should be numbered.

  2. Code Reviewee provides a high-level summary of the code. This can include the code’s purpose, known bugs, and a brief rationale behind its structure.

  3. Each Code Reviewer reads the code for 5-10 minutes in silence. They can make notes on the copies as necessary. The Moderator keeps track of the time.

  4. Each Code Reviewer takes a 3 minute turn delivering their review. No more than 3 minutes should be spent, as each turn is meant to be quick. If someone else mentions an issue you wanted to raise, just say “ditto on xxx” instead of repeating it.

  5. While the Code Reviewers speak, the Code Reviewee must remain silent. No rebuttals, no explanations, no excuses. Just shut up and sit there. There will be a chance to speak up later.

  6. After the reviews, the Code Reviewee now has a chance to speak. This opportunity should be used to ask questions and clarify what issues the Reviewers saw. Both sides can converse and debate freely now.


  • If the code requires execution to be properly reviewed, each participant can bring a laptop along. The Code Reviewee should provide a location where the code can be seen an executed.
  • If the code is very lengthy, select just one section to be reviewed. Other sections can be reviewed at future sessions.
  • If a Code Reviewer offers incorrect advice, raise it at the end so the Reviewer can learn from this session as well.

Kent has a more detailed explanation of this process on his site.

If done well, this process allows everyone to have a chance to voice their opinions about the code, regardless of their skill level. Code Reviewees and Reviewers alike can learn a lot from these sessions. I’ve even found that developers from across multiple teams can join in without requiring a lot of background information.

Even more telling is that many developers really look forward to their code reviews. This process forms such a supportive, non-threatening, and educational environment that developers know they’ll always learn something new from a code review. That, to me, is a mark of a truly effective process.

Wish List for the Amazon Kindle

Guess what’s been on my mind? Yup, the Amazon Kindle. How’d you guess?

While it’s enlightening to praise and debate, I know it has quite a few improvements to make before it rocks the market. Sure, it has more promise than it’s competitors, but if it doesn’t maintain its lead, than I’ll be a sad panda.

Here’s my wish list of what Amazon needs to do to improve the Kindle for v2 and beyond:

  • Improve it’s ergonomics (hardware) and usability (software). This is probably its most well-known criticism. Hopefully they’ll follow the principles of KISS.

  • Continue getting more content. That means getting more publishers to release their books in e-book format. Probably not an easy task, but if anyone has the clout to do it, it’s Amazon.

  • Allow more formats to be readable. They don’t necessarily have to be writable for now, just readable. Like PDF, PPT, and XLS file formats. (To their credit, they already support TXT, HTML, and DOC.)

  • Allow readers a way to somehow “transfer” their existing books into the Kindle. I’m not sure how this could be done, as it leaves many openings for abuse. But I’d love to digitize my current library into the Kindle without having to buy all of those books again. Ugh.

  • Add a touch screen interface. Touch screen UIs are nice and generally easy-to-use (if done right). They could add significantly to the usability of the Kindle—again, if done right.

  • Offer a color screen. At least, as an option for some people. I’m sure this is on their internal wish list already.

  • Offer a backlit screen. This could also be an option, as some people may feel its current state is better on the eyes.

  • Offer multiple versions. They could differ in size, storage space, and maybe even color and outer material (imagine a leather-bound Kindle! Hmm!). If/when the Kindle catches on with younger consumers, the market for personalization accessories could be sizable too.

  • Strengthen its body. Books have to survive quite a rough rumble and tumble. It would be cool if the Kindle could survive that kind of physical stress too. Perhaps this could merely be another version.

Go go Kindle go!

Debating the Amazon Kindle

I’m having a fun ole’ debate over the Amazon (AMZN) Kindle right now. It’s taking place in the comments of a previous post between myself and Nicholas Zakas, a published author, seasoned programmer, and all-around intelligent guy.

I like debates. They give me a chance to hone my opinions and positions on various topics. I’ll do my best to defend my position, but more often than not, I’ll learn a new viewpoint that adds to my knowledge of that topic.

My post was about how great the Amazon Kindle was going to be. I likened the Kindle to Apple’s (AAPL) iPod. Nicholas commented that:

The iPod was successful largely because people wanted to replace their large portable CD players with something that could play more…it wasn’t techies that make the iPod the sensation that it was, it was the non-techies.

This implies it was the iPod’s ease-of-use that made it such a commercial success. While I totally agree, I think it was more than just the iPod’s simple & friendly form factor that made it great. It was also:

  1. iPod’s branding and Apple’s great overall brand
  2. The “complete package” that iTunes integration offers to the iPod

He argued that while this is true for iPods, it’s different for books:

There’s something about the tactile relationship between readers and their material that makes it hard to give up. I remember when people predicted that newspapers would go out of circulation when people could get their news online…

True, but the same was once said about records when first CDs came out. There was a time when people predicted the TV would replace the radio. And later, that interactive TV would replace regular TV. I’ve never believed that newspapers would go out of circulation, but I do believe their role will change—and has already changed. It’s no longer the single source of up-to-date news. People primarily go to the TV for that now. (Those that go to the web for up-to-date news are still in the minority, though it’s growing rapidly.)

He also made a comment about the Amazon Kindle falsely gaining a first-mover advantage, though the Kindle isn’t the first e-book reader on the market; there are quite a few already. While he’s probably just not as familiar with the e-book market, we both agree that first-mover advantage isn’t a panacea for success.

To that, he followed up with a simple mathematical point:

Considering you can get great books for under $10 nearly anywhere, what would you do? Buy a $400 machine to output text, or buy 40 books? I love tech as much as the next computer geek, but even I would go for the latter.

Good point. If you’re someone who will only buy forty $10 books, you’ll hardly see any cost-savings benefit in the Amazon Kindle. But if you’re someone like me, who’s been known to spend upwards of $800 on books a year, the Amazon Kindle may be worth it.

But then this goes into the question of target demographics, which Nicholas also pointed out:

Tell me who [the target consumers] are for Kindle? People who read books like books, not just the text. The divergence between book readers and technology couldn’t possibly be greater. People often read books to escape computers and technology.

I can’t disagree with that. As a bookworm myself, I also love the tactile feel of a book. However, I used to love the tactile feel of a CD booklet too. Every time I’d listen to a CD, I’d read the booklet for the lyrics or linear notes. Or maybe just stare at the album cover art. I loved doing that. When MP3s first hit the market, I didn’t see the appeal because they felt so ethereal and amorphous. There wasn’t anything I could hold in my hands.

Then I hit a tipping point and realized that the portability and physical space savings of MP3s offset the benefits of having CD booklets for me. The same went for digital movies and DVDs. Now, I love digitizing all of my media.

What may tip the balance of books to e-books are the younger generations of consumers. They’re already growing up with the Internet, mobile phones, and MMORPGs (with their virtual goods) as everyday items in their lives. It’s foreign for them to imagine a world without technology like that. They also don’t place as much value on CD booklets, DVD boxes, or books in the same way the older generations do—younger generations seem all-to-eager to accept digital media.

Just like newspapers, there will always be a role for books. When you’re chilling in a log cabin or on a beach somewhere, you’ll probably want a good solid book in your hands. But if you’re on a train commuting to work, it may be more desirable to hold a device that will allow you to read any book, newspaper, or blog you want.

Potential Initial Niche Targets

One last thought. If Amazon were to approach the e-book market with Geoffrey Moore’s advice in mind (as he writes in Crossing the Chasm), they could target graduate students as an initial niche. With graduate textbooks costing hundreds of dollars, they may find it more cost-effective and easier to lug around a Kindle rather than seven 5lb textbooks. The price point of the Kindle would have to drop from its current $359.00, however. But that is inevitable as they streamline their production costs.

Undergraduate students could be a viable initial niche as well, though more research would need to be done since many undergraduates just purchase used textbooks to save money. If a cheaper Kindle could tap into this market, the purchasers may actually be the students’ parents.

Another initial niche could be any profession that requires access to large volumes of books at any given time, such as lawyers. Imagine the mountains of books a lawyer has to go through. Now imagine being able to search through all of that easily through a single handheld device. Not bad, huh?

This is easier said than done, of course. There are lots of tricky book publisher contracts to negotiate. Without the necessary content, these niches are impossible to reach. But still, it’s not hard to imagine these users wanting a device like the Amazon Kindle, yea?

High Hopes for the Amazon Kindle

Remember your first iPod? Remember the first song you purchased from Apple’s (AAPL) iTunes Store? Remember the 100th song?

I got a chance to check out Amazon’s (AMZN) Kindle this past weekend. It was almost like seeing an iPod for the first time. I couldn’t stop drooling and fawning over all the buttons and controls.

Much has been written about the Kindle already. Some extol its features, like being able to carry lots of books cheaply, having good battery life, and having audiobook integration. Others slam it for it’s poor design and lack of social network (Um, really? You want a social network on an e-book reader? If anything, that’s a P3 feature and shouldn’t be part of a v1 product). It’s interesting to note that many of the Kindle’s original critics have changed their minds after using it for a while.

Rob Tillotson of The Gadgeteer has a deep & thorough review, Daniel Turner of Technology Review offers a good overview of its technical guts, and Mike Elgan of Macworld lists some great tips & tricks of the Kindle. These include how you can surf the web using its basic web browser (called, appropriately, “Basic Web”), download free e-books, get answers from a free human-powered search engine called Kindle NowNow, make the battery last even longer, read RSS feeds for free, etc.

My reaction? I just went out and purchased some AMZN stock. It’s currently floating around the same price it had when the Kindle debuted on Nov. 19, 2007. It closed at 79.18 that day; today, it’s been bouncing between 77.43 and 78.85, down from a high of 84.39 last Monday. But I don’t care about that. I’m long AMZN. I’m betting that the Kindle will be to Amazon what the iPod was to Apple—and we all know how good the iPod was to Apple!

Here’s why I’m long on Amazon:

UPDATED 5/24/2008: I added #9 to this list.

  1. I am exactly the kind of early adopter customer Amazon wants. Although I didn’t rush out to buy a Kindle (and am not going to anytime soon), as soon as the second or third version is released, I will. They’re working on their second version right now, a source in Amazon tells me (and it sounds pretty good!), so it shouldn’t be long before v3 is ready and relatively bug-free. And when I purchase a Kindle, I’m going buy lots of e-books. I’m a voracious reader and am always buying new books. Since Amazon’s strategy is to profit from e-book sales and not Kindle sales (the Kindle is a loss leader), attracting book-hungry customers like me is going to be so money.

  2. I travel often and always carry a book or three with me. That often adds extra weight that, well, just sucks. Since I usually try to travel light, carrying one Kindle versus three books sounds totally awesome. I can see other travelers wanting the same benefits. The business traveler niche could have great potential for Amazon, especially if business users are able to load their business documents onto the Kindle and peruse them during their flights.

  3. I’m a bit of a digital pack-rat. Or just a big a geek, I dunno. I once had over 600 CDs. Then, to live more efficiently and have less material belongings, I burned them all into MP3s. I did the same with my DVDs. All that extra shelf space allowed my book collection to grow like crazy. Now imagine if I could digitize all of my books. How cool would that be. All of the media I’d own would be digital, portable, and easily searchable (told you I’m a big geek). That would be cool.

  4. This is only a v1 product and already it’s gotten a huge positive reaction. Most v1 products suck. The first generation of iPods sucked. But with Apple’s branding & slick design and iTunes’ ease of use & practical prices, it took over the market and surged as each new version was released. Kindle 1.0 was cool, 2.0 and higher can only get better.

  5. A medical student I know took a look at the Kindle and said that if all of his medical textbooks were offered on the Kindle, he’d buy it in a heartbeat. First of all, medical textbooks are huge. HUGE. And medical students have to carry two to four of these heavy things at once. Second, medical textbooks are expensive, especially for starving students. With e-books being cheaper than regular books, a student could easily make up the cost of the Kindle over the course of his/her education. This could be a huge market for them, and the smart folks at Amazon know this.

  6. Amazon has to maintain physical warehouses to store all the books they sell. E-books don’t require expensive warehouses; they just require a database on a server farm somewhere, which is infinitely cheaper. This means Amazon could potentially sell more products (e-books) while not incurring any additional costs. I like them mathematics.

  7. If Amazon can execute its Kindle & e-book strategy well, it certainly could go the way Apple’s iPod & iTunes strategy went. According to a Nov. 19, 2007 article from Aaron Pressman of Business Week, “Apple shares (AAPL) stood at $9.51 (adjusted for a split) the day before the launch. I don’t need to tell you where they are today. Ok, I will: $166.” Not a bad return, I’d say.

  8. I’m not the only one who expects great things from Kindle. Citigroup Analyst Mark Mahaney “expects Amazon to generate between $400 million and $750 million in revenue from the Kindle by 2010, or 1% – 3% of Amazon’s total revenue,” writes Michael Arrington of TechCrunch. “If Amazon executes right with its Kindle product and marketing strategy, the iPod analogy for the Kindle won’t be too far stretched,” Mahaney is quoted as saying. Cool!

  9. Part of iPod’s success came from the ease of use of getting more MP3s. Just as the iTunes Store made it very easy to download MP3s, the Kindle Store makes it very easy to download e-books for the Kindle. And even better, the Kindle Store is easier than iTunes because you can directly access it via the Kindle (no need for a computer at all).

I can’t wait for the day I can look back and remember my first Kindle, my first e-book, and my 100th e-book. And also, a great big ROI on AMZN!

Wireless Security for your Laptop

Liquid Cocaine Do you practice safe wireless? If you don’t, you might catch something and your OS will shrivel up and, um, get a bad rash.

Okay, bad analogy. But still, if you’re like me and work in cafes with free wifi all day long, you’re going to need to make sure your laptop, web surfing, emails, and instant messages are safe & secure.

How secure are they currently? Well, a script kiddie could be sitting right next to you with a packet sniffer, which allows him to read all of the emails and IMs you’re currently writing and reading. And if you, Heaven forbid, log onto an unencrypted website, he could steal your username and password too. This is especially common in Silicon Valley, where there’s a high concentration of free wifi and malicious script kiddies.

Freaked out? You should be. Not afraid? In my best Yoda impression: Oh, you will be, you will be…

After doing a quick search online, I found this article by Scott Granneman: “Coffee shop WiFi for dummies“. It’s one of the better columns on laptop security using wifi connections. In it, he suggests:

  • Secure Connections: Using a wifi connection with WEP or WPA encryption. Unfortunately, they aren’t that secure, and most cafes with free wifi don’t offer it anyways.
  • Secure Web Browsers: Using Firefox, Opera, or Safari for your web browser, instead of Internet Explorer, because of all the security holes that have been found in IE.
  • Secure HTTP: Using websites that use the encrypted protocol https instead of plain ole’ http (without the “s”). The “s” stands for “secure” – well, to be accurate, it stands for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), but you get the point.
  • Secure Webmail: Using Gmail instead of Yahoo! Mail or MSN Hotmail, because Gmail allows you to use it over https. However, you have to manually change the URL and add the “s” before the “http”, unless you install the Customize Gmail extension for Firefox (sorry Opera & Safari users).
  • Secure Email Protocols: Using secure POP3 or secure IMAP for receiving your emails, if you don’t use a webmail service like Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, or Hotmail. Unfortunately, sending emails is tougher because most cafes don’t offer secure SMTP. Those webmail services solve this though.
  • Secure Instant Messaging: Using GAIM Pidgin for instant messaging, since it supports AIM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk, etc., as well as encrypted IMs using SILC.

All of that adds to up quite a bit of work and extra software. And even with all these safeguards, your web surfing still isn’t secure. If you don’t have https set up for your blog, logging in to post a new entry could potentially expose your username and password. Jeepers creepers, what’s a cafe-working entrepreneur to do?

That’s where VPN could be the answer. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) would basically encrypt your entire online activity. You wouldn’t need to bother with all of Granneman’s safeguards if you could use a VPN.

The downside is that getting VPN not free. Most businesses offer VPN for their employees. But if you’re an entrepreneur, are self-employed, or don’t have access to a VPN, are you out of luck? Fortunately, no. Another search turned up Mark Ratledge’s article “Make Wi-Fi safe with private network“, where he discusses three commercial VPN services. Glenn Fleishman’s article “The Latest VPN for Rent” adds a fourth choice.

  • $5.95/month or $59.95/year, no software download required.
  • JiWire Hotspot Helper: $24.95/year, software download required.
  • WiTopia personalVPN: $39.99/year, software download required.
  • HotSpotVPN: their pricing scheme is complicated. $10.88/month for 128-bit encryption, $11.88/month for 192-bit, and $13.88/month for 256-bit, software download required.

Ratledge recommends PublicVPN because it doesn’t require a software download, despite it being the most expensive option. I don’t really mind a software download, so I’m going to give the cheaper options a try.

If you also depend on free wifi, I’d strongly suggest you use wireless protection (which makes me wonder: is available? Why yes, it is, as of this post!). Any of the free methods above could work. Or, if you want to pay for blanket protection, consider one of the commercial VPN services listed here. If you have used one before, what do you think of it? Any good?

Nothing hurts more than catching something that could have been easily prevented, especially from a dirty, stinking script kiddie. Don’t be high, use protected wifi!

Mobile WiFi In Cars

Autonet Mobile wifi router I just came back from a long road trip in Arizona. Seriously long. The rental car started with 22,590 miles on its odometer. We returned it with 24,191 miles. That’s 1,601 miles! All over the state of Arizona! Whew!

Armed with free AAA maps, wifi-enabled laptops, and smartphones (yes, we are geeks), we were able to navigate hundreds of miles of city streets and lonely stretches of desert.

But occasionally, we needed to go online for information like weather, hotel reservations, tourist information, etc. In most cases, Google SMS (GOOG) gave us what we needed—especially for weather and specific directions. For other information, a web browser was needed. That’s where our smartphone’s microbrowsers came in handy.

Then I read Michael Lasky’s Wired Magazine article, “Autonet Mobile: Your Own Personal Hotspot, Everywhere You Go“:

Once behind the wheel of the Pontiac, I plug the Autonet into the cigarette lighter and within seconds (seconds, not minutes) my PC picks up a full Wi-Fi signal. In a blink I’m checking gmail, and not long after that I download directions to my hotel. Then I look at my watch. The entire process, from initial plug-in to receiving route info, is done in under a minute. I can’t match this performance — even with my iPhone.

Autonet Mobile is, according to their site, a “Wireless Internet Service Provider designed to maintain internet connectivity within the car.” Based in Marin County, CA, they offer several service plans, none of which are currently listed. Lasky reports that the plans are expected to range from $80-100/month for unlimited service. As of now, they only seem to be available from Avis for $10.95 per day—and then only from select Avis locations.

The technical details: their wifi router offers access speeds of 600-800Kbps and upload speeds of about 200Kbps within a 100ft radius. Autonet runs over both 3G and 2.5G (EVDO, 1xRTT) cellular data networks, which covers roughly 95% of the US. Also, integrated WEP encryption, MAC address restriction and WAN port restriction is provided. This means you get fairly comprehensive coverage and good security.

Ingeniously, the connection is maintained even as you drive past different cell towers and carriers. Autonet has a tower-to-tower hand-off feature that connects to the tower with the strongest EVDO broadband signal, regardless of carrier. How do they do this? With some cool technology and nondenominational network agreements with Sprint and Verizon.

It sounds like a pretty cool idea, though for my needs (getting information while traveling), a smartphone takes care of all that. Why would I pay extra to be able to use my laptop in a rental car?

Answer is, I probably wouldn’t. But what about a new car buyer getting a new car? That’s a bit different. Lasky mentioned this intriguing news: “Starting next month, [Autonet Mobile CEO Sterling] Pratz’s vision will take its next step when Autonet hardware and services is offered at Toyota dealerships in Northern California. Not long after that, other (unnamed) car brands and dealerships will begin to offer Autonet Mobile.”

In dealerships, huh? So you could conceivably buy a car and get an option for wifi? Interesting idea there. I could see road warriors, traveling salespeople, and perhaps even vacationers on road trips enjoying a feature like this—if the price is right. Right now, all of them have mobile phones that can get them the information they need, albeit in varying degrees of quality and speed.

A wifi-enabled car could also offer enhanced navigation services, aside from weather & traffic, which are already offered by many. Perhaps the navigation screen doubles as a web browser? Or, while it gives you directions to a restaurant, it helps you make a reservation too? Or tourist information like hours of service and historical tidbits?

This indeed seems to be what Autonet Mobile is envisioning. Says Pratz: “Autonet Mobile is focused on the personal hotspot as an in-car entertainment solution, replacing in-car DVD systems that lets five to six users simultaneously access the net from any Wi-Fi enabled device — including iPhones. … We expect a range of holding between five to ten movies or flash games, music, TV shows and so on [in the Autonet Mobile device].”

Interesting stuff! The idea of a wifi-enabled car seems like one of those ideas where, ten years from now, we’ll look back and go, “Well, duh! Of course cars have wifi!” It’s going to be cool to see where this technology goes.

(BTW, I’m not being paid for this or anything. It just sounded like a cool idea that I wanted to write about.)

1-800 Numbers With Words

Old Wireless Phone Pardon this rant, but I just need to get this off my chest. You know what bugs me? When ads show 1-800 numbers made up of words to represent the numbers. Such as 1-800-FLOWERS or 1-800-PLUMBER.

Now, I know why such numbers exist. It’s much easier for a customer to remember a phone number with a catchy word than a string of random numbers. That totally makes sense because the dialpads of phones list letters with each number.

But: Not all new phones have such dialpads. Many smart phones don’t. My phone doesn’t. And every time I have to dial a 1-800 number + word, I have to dig up a phone with a traditional dialpad. A few times, I’ve just given up and called a competitor.

I’m sure I’m not the only person with this problem too. Just about every smart phone owner has this problem, and if these people make up your target audience, you’re as good as dead.

There’s an obvious solution to this problem though. Include the corresponding numbers with your word in the ad. Duh.

Whew, I feel much better now that this is off my chest. Now go fix your ads!