Here’s something I used to tell my team:
If you ever go to sleep on Sunday night, dreading to wake up Monday morning to go to work, then something is very wrong with your job. You need to see me right away so we can sort it out.
I realize this is a luxury few in the working world have. The majority of employees out there probably dread every day except Friday and Saturday. In the dot-com industry, where our jobs are our hobbies, we get free coffee & snacks (and sometimes more) at the office, and there are perks galore, I find that most employees really love their jobs. Or at least don’t despise them.
However, if you do despise your job, and dread waking up Monday morning to go to work, maybe you should talk to your manager. Or quit.
This is a really good point and a good litmus test to know whether your job is engaging and interesting! If you dread doing it, then why do it?
Dat’s whut Iz be sayin’, sistah! Holla!
I mean, yes, you are entirely correct. I concur.