For some reason, everytime I watch Wallstrip’s interview of James Altucher, I crack up. The quirky Lindsay Campell starts the clip off with this bluesy line:
Wallstrip chat… James Altucher… Smaaart cat… Check it out.
Cracks me up!
It was my introduction to Wallstrip. After seeing it, I thought that Lindsay was going to open up every show with a similar bluesy line. Alas, she does not (bummer) – though she does do & say plenty of quirky things in the other shows.
Yesterday’s show, Greetings from Phoenix, is good too. Check out how proud Lindsay is after she hits the first ball. Also, from Howard Lindzon:
One thing that I’ve always wanted is clean balls… very important.
Them’s words to live by.
hey thanks for checking us out. we love our fans
I’m impressed you have time to make videos, run a business, and visit your fans! Nice!