For the life of me, I can’t remember who said this line:
We remember some of what we are told, a little more of what we read, and almost all of what we experience.
I don’t even remember the exact phrasing of that line. Instead of “some,” “a little more,” and “almost all,” it might have been percentages like: 25%, 50% and 100%.
It’s a good quote. At least, the sentiment behind it is sound. Everyone learns differently, but at the core, we all learn best by doing.
And sometimes, by doing and failing – because nothing is a better teacher than the harsh burn of a mistake.
I want to say Jack Welch said this line, but I can’t find a reference to it anywhere. Does this line sound familiar to you? Know what the exact wording is, or who said it?
i heard that line spoken at a conference but don’t remember who said it, sorry. it is a good quote and very true for me.