Effective Online Advertising

eMarketer A friend recently asked, “What’s the best way to get people to my new web store?” Like many small business owners, he’s web savvy enough to start a web store, but doesn’t spend a lot of time following the online marketing industry.

“I hate spam like everyone else,” he continued, “but I’ve heard that it can be cost-effective. Should I purchase an email list somewhere?”

After I gagged, I pulled up an article from eMarketer.com entitled, “What Works, and What Doesn’t, in Online Marketing” (subscription required). If you’re a professional marketer, some of this will be obvious to you, hopefully.

The top most effective online marketing techniques are:

  1. Search engine marketing (paying for ads on search engines)
  2. Opt-in email lists (having customers choose to get email from you)
  3. Search engine optimization (making your site appear in relevant search results)
  4. Behavioral targeting (buying ads on sites that can target you towards potentially interested customers)

And what were the least effective techniques?

  1. Rented email lists (spam)
  2. Pop-up/under ads

ROI was used as the metric for effectiveness.

Most online marketers know this already. But we haven’t reached the point where this is common knowledge. Every once in a while, another small business builds a web store and believes the myth that spam, while vile & evil, is a cost-effective marketing solution. Shudder. Don’t believe the hype!

Author: Mike Lee

An idealistic realist, humanistic technologist & constant student.