iPhones Sold Out – Not

Apple iPhone I know a few people who waited on line for the new iPhone. I’m sure you do too. The buzz & excitement has been huge. For the last few weeks, you couldn’t read a tech blog anywhere without reading about the new iPhone.

I even remember hearing that a scuffle broke out at the Palo Alto Apple (AAPL) Store. It’s like the Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii all over again.

Except that this time, the iPhones… haven’t sold out?

Ars Technica just reported that there are still plenty of iPhones left.

24 hours ago, few thought it would be like this. Mad people were lining up in New York City days in advance of the sales. People camping out, people trying to sell their place in line for hundreds of dollars. And then there’s “Mike,” who I met at the North Shore Mall (just north of Boston), who walked in and bought his iPhone and accessories this morning, without so much as waiting in line 5 minutes. …

We’ve heard from readers who were standing in lines all over the country; those same readers are reporting that there are loads of iPhones left in NYC, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, Indianapolis, and everywhere else.

Want one? No need to rush. Just mosey on over to your local Apple Store and I’m sure you’ll find one.

In Apple’s defense, it’s not that iPhones aren’t selling. They are. Perhaps they just stocked their inventory well. There are reports of sales volumes being in the thousands. Blackfriars’ Marketing predicts that 500,000 iPhones will be sold this weekend alone.


If that happens, then I predict services like Cellswapper.com are going to explode. They’re going to get a ton of swappers soon, with new iPhone owners unloading their old phones.

And even better, if you’re in the market for a new cell phone, perhaps you can find a good deal here! I mean, think about it—there will soon be 500,000 iPhone owners desperately trying to give you their old phones & contracts. It’s a cell phone buyer’s market!

Author: Mike Lee

An idealistic realist, humanistic technologist & constant student.

2 thoughts on “iPhones Sold Out – Not”

  1. Cellswapper: Huh?

    You saying the people who bought won’t be happy with thier new iPhones because they heard it didn’t sell out?
    You expecting them to move 3 million in one weekend or something?


  2. @Sev: Huh?

    I meant new iPhone owners are going to want to swap out their other phones, since they went out and purchased an iPhone.


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