Now for some Friday fun.
This is cool. Very cool. Especially if you’re a user of Adobe (ADBE) Photoshop.
Trend Hunter features a cool slideshow displaying how the Indonesia office of the design agency Bates141 built this amazing replication of the Adobe Photoshop UI using boxes, paint brushes, and other stuff. Another set of work-in-progress photos are on Flickr too. Check it out – it’s a huge replication.
This was done as a print poster for the Indonesian software distributor Software Asli. I had no idea software distributors went to such great lengths to create ads. According to the info on another Flickr photo, the team who built this was creative director Hendra Lesmono, art directors Andreas Junus & Irawandhani Kamarga, copywriter Darrick Subrata, and photographer Anton Ismael. I’ve never heard of any of you, but great job guys!
There’s even a hi-res version of this photo that you can use for desktop wallpaper. Nice!